Building mindfulness
Kirsty McNicol Kirsty McNicol

Building mindfulness

Lego has been a big part of our house since my son was tiny, over the past couple of years though it has been me rather than him that has had Lego sets on my Christmas list! This may not be everyone’s first choice for a mindful activity, but as I said, it’s all down to finding something that offers you the chance to slow down and recharge your batteries.

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A little bit about how Tangled With Nature began
Kirsty McNicol Kirsty McNicol

A little bit about how Tangled With Nature began

I think everyone should be able to feel comfortable in their skin, have space to develop and grow at their own pace and have tools to work through the trickier times in life. Harnessing the power of nature can bring so many benefits to us.

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